15 December 2007

Make Room in Your Hearts, my Friends

This is my swimming partner. We always go swimming together. When my sister was not with me, he was the one who accompanied me. He went to church before. Guess what? He went to Elim Chinese before. The world is just that small. But he still has not accepted the Lord. He knows many bible verses in Chinese.

He is now working in Penang so we did not go swimming together anymore. He just came to my mind. There was once he SMS me. He asked,"How are you?" I remember that time i was having some problem at work. So i just complaint that I wasn't good and telling him i've problem at work. Then he encouraged me with some bible verses you know, asking me to forgive her etc. It amazed me. I think some of the verses impacted him before. I guess he is still reading his Chinese bible.

Hmm..Christmas is coming. He is one of the people in my list that i want to reach out to. I really hope he will be part of God's family. Pray with me. There are 4 of us in our gang. Another one is back from Maldives now. Hopefully i'll be able to invite all of them to my church. Pray with me!

14 December 2007

Pity Him

Sigh...today i went swimming with my sisters and mum. My youngest sis has 2 instructors. One of them is the deaf and dumb one. Today, after swimming for quite some time. I decided to get up. So i went to the children's pool to look for my mum and my sister. Her instructor came to wan sian and i. He started communicating with us with his body language. he even wrote the words out on the pool side to show us what he was trying to say.

He was talking about a shop which helps repair goggles. He was trying to tell us the price at different shops even shops in KL. Em...He asked me to give him my goggles. He wanted to show me different prices for different parts. I refused to give him because i understood what he was trying to say. But he still wanted to look for a pair of goggles to show me. So, he took my mum's. Sigh...

After we took bath, my sis, wan keen, was buying ice cream. He was there. He was "chatting" with wan keen. But then i felt that he was hoping for an ice cream from us. I looked at my mum but my mum did not give me any response. So i just paid and went off.

At that moment, i told myself, i must pray for this person. I did not know why i sympathize him. He owns a mouth, but he can't talk no matter how he wishes he could just talk to make us all understand him, he can't! He can't hear, no matter how he wishes to hear what we are talking about, he can't! I just felt that he is in a very difficult situation. He is lonely. He tried to get business, but how many people will trust his ability. Even if they trust his capability, there will be communication problems.

He is really striving hard. He always looked at me, trying to see if i trust him or not. ( My expression problem i guessed). He is still trying to get assurance from me. I did not know why i felt it this way. His eyes told me that. I could be wrong though.

I was just burdened to pray for him. I hope he will be well. Most importantly,i hope he can come to know our Almighty God. Really do not know how to express my feelings. Sigh... hope he will be well!

Pretty Sad

Toady is our last day of work lar. Hmmm... Kinda unwilling to go off. Why? Maybe because i seldom leave them for this long. And this is a year, i do not have to go for any training. During my training, i seldom miss them because i've buddies there. But now i seem to have nothing to do. Hahaha, my world seems not spinning anymore. I need time to readjust my life for these 2 weeks. Also will miss Vincent's presence with us. Haha...

Hmm.. I think i'll have a lot of outdoor activities with friends or my sister. I can't stay at home. I think i will go swimming very often, go hiking maybe and gym. Hmmm...How else can i spend my holidays? Oh ya, i've not finished reading my book. Christmas outreach takes 2 days, being bride's maid takes 1 day. If Vincent is free, we play Frisbee. I think the percentage of "FFK" by him is very high.(means he can't make it most likely). There's a Christmas Party for children on 20th Dec at Elim, then choir practices. hahaha...quite busy also huh?!

I wanna fly a kite, i've never tried flying a kite. Hmmm...not sure if my "impian" can come true.Hopefully...

I planned to go back to center on Monday to complete the Schedule Boards. See how la.. Not sure if my sis will go with me. Sigh...Many plans in my mind now.

13 December 2007

A Pretty joyful DAY...but...!

Hmm..Today was a pretty joyful day for me. I'd completed my work. Tomorrow is my last day or i should say, it's OUR last day of work. Then we will have 2- week break. Hahaha... Battle will start again next year!! I don't wanna think about it now. Let me relax for these 14 days!

Hmmm... Today one of my colleagues was like "Bao Qing Tin", her face was as dark as this "Bao Qing Tin". I did not talk to her the whole day. I just don't want to get from her. She did her work and we did our work. We were the noisiest ones. Hahaha... We as in Celine, Vincent, Cheng Fai and me. We were really noisy. We were working on the Theme Wall. Vincent designed the Theme Wall for next year for Canning Garden center. His Masterpiece you know??

Why were we making noise? hahaha...we were crapping as we work. We laughed like mad. But not Vincent. He was a bit cool today. He still crapped though =) They said i laughed non- stop and i influenced Cheng Fai. Hahaha... He became crazy =P I'm not sure about laughter but i noticed my over- exaggerated reactions influenced them. Hahaha... they started screaming when there's anything wrong. muahahaha...this is what tickled me the most.

Then, Cheng Fai started an irrelevant topic, which was, "Humpty Dumpty is not an egg. It's a Canon." Em... I started asking him why is it not an egg? He said because the rhyme did not mention that it's an egg. Then i asked again, why isn't it an egg? He said because it's not an egg. Can you see our craps? But there were more. Please note that when we were discussing about this, Vincent was sitting next to me. There were no other conversations going on.

But guess what. He started criticizing Cheng Fai, he said, how is it related to us whether Humpty Dumpty is an egg or not. And he started asking the question that i asked just now. He asked,"why Humpty is not an egg?" Then i burst out laughing. I foresee that he'll start asking questions that i'd asked. Then everyone burst out laughing again.

There were more craps and fun in the process of putting up the Theme Wall. I just couldn't put them all in words. Just hope that in future, we can have fun when we work also. Not so stressed.

But we seemed to have groups in this small little center. We were always noisy but there's another half of us were very serious and quiet when they work. I don't like it at all because they seemed very serious and NO JOKE kinda persons. very scary. Hmm...Anyway, different people have different ways of working. We just need to accept each other and continue to serve God in our very special ways.

For those who are in low spirit now, Cheer up!
Life is still BEAUTIFUL!!!


12 December 2007


Hmmm...Thanks for praying!

Emm...everything is fine now. Monday, i told myself i must forgive. I must look at her when i talk to her to show that i've forgiven her. And i tried. It went on fine. She kept being lectured by my boss during work. But i can't help much and i better don't get myself involve because I've not settled with my own issue.

I realized that she dared not look into my eyes when she talked to me also. I guessed she was guilty over that issue. If she really thinks that she's right, she will not bother to ask me things. She will ask others. After work that day, i received a call from a volunteer, she told me that one of my students' mum passed away. I informed my boss. Then i informed her.

After a few minutes, she called me back asking me to go lunch with her and that volunteer. But i told her i'll decide the next day as i'd promised to go lunch with other colleagues. I told her that i'll let them decide. At the end, we did not have lunch together because the others did not want to join them. Anyway, everything went on well.

Today, i was able to offer her the junkies that i brought to the center and able to talk to her more. Really thank God i've totally forgiven her. I know there will be more problems to come in the future. I must remember this day. God spoke to me and with His strength, i'd overcome it.

09 December 2007

The Shout of God

Remember i posted a blog about a movie called "Facing the Giants"? Hmmm.. i watched it another time yesterday. The first time i watched, i was busy taking care of a toddler. So i missed out many parts. Yesterday, i was quite free, i decided to watch again. I sat in front of my TV alone.

The movie went on until this part where Grant Taylor, the Head coach asked the biggest guy in the team to carry a 160 pounds guy on his back, blind folded and crawled with knees off the ground. The fat guy ( i forgot his name) was very tired, he wanted to give up but the coach kept yelling at him," Don't QUIT! You don't QUIT! Give me MORE! Don't QUIT! 20 more, Don't QUIT! 5 more! 2 more!!!" He yelled at him very loudly.

At that moment, I felt that God was yelling at me! Asking me not to QUIT! I couldn't take it. I nearly screamed. Then my tears rolled down from my face. God was speaking through the coach, through that movie! I was all alone in front of the TV. Who else was He talking to but ME?!

I was having that DVD for quite some time. I was reluctant to watch it again as i'm not a person who loves watching TV. I cannot even sit through a movie if i'm watching it at home. So why that day i spent my time watching that? Why was it after the conflict with that colleague?

God was asking me to give Him more, to forgive one another and to persevere. He had overcome the world (John 16:33), so why am I still having the fear? What is impossible with God? All things are possible with God.

Tomorrow is Monday. I hope i will be able to do what God wants me to do. I really hope that i can look at her in her eyes and talk to her like before. I hope that i can greet her when i see her tomorrow morning. Pray with me if you are reading this. It's indeed tough for me. Really in need of your prayers!! Hmmm...

