09 December 2007

The Shout of God

Remember i posted a blog about a movie called "Facing the Giants"? Hmmm.. i watched it another time yesterday. The first time i watched, i was busy taking care of a toddler. So i missed out many parts. Yesterday, i was quite free, i decided to watch again. I sat in front of my TV alone.

The movie went on until this part where Grant Taylor, the Head coach asked the biggest guy in the team to carry a 160 pounds guy on his back, blind folded and crawled with knees off the ground. The fat guy ( i forgot his name) was very tired, he wanted to give up but the coach kept yelling at him," Don't QUIT! You don't QUIT! Give me MORE! Don't QUIT! 20 more, Don't QUIT! 5 more! 2 more!!!" He yelled at him very loudly.

At that moment, I felt that God was yelling at me! Asking me not to QUIT! I couldn't take it. I nearly screamed. Then my tears rolled down from my face. God was speaking through the coach, through that movie! I was all alone in front of the TV. Who else was He talking to but ME?!

I was having that DVD for quite some time. I was reluctant to watch it again as i'm not a person who loves watching TV. I cannot even sit through a movie if i'm watching it at home. So why that day i spent my time watching that? Why was it after the conflict with that colleague?

God was asking me to give Him more, to forgive one another and to persevere. He had overcome the world (John 16:33), so why am I still having the fear? What is impossible with God? All things are possible with God.

Tomorrow is Monday. I hope i will be able to do what God wants me to do. I really hope that i can look at her in her eyes and talk to her like before. I hope that i can greet her when i see her tomorrow morning. Pray with me if you are reading this. It's indeed tough for me. Really in need of your prayers!! Hmmm...



1 comment:

5-inch-long milk drinker said...

I am out of words of encouragement... Well, the least I can do it is praying for you.. Don't Quit ar, big sis!!!