25 February 2008


How would you feel when people judge your "sorry"? People may say you did not mean your "sorry". When you wanted to settle an issue but that person was not in tune with you. It's hard.

When some one apologizes sincerely, he/she maybe judged for not meaning it. When some one doesn't apologize, people keep saying he/ she is not apologetic. What the world wants? Do this, they are not satisfied; do that they are not satisfied as well. Humans are really hard to please. All because, they don't know what they want!!! Sigh... I'm very tired! I've had enough stress.

Still I need to settle this. Not pleasing man issue, just expressing that human is hard to please even when you are not trying to please them. *if you understand what I mean*


Anonymous said...

mebbe the way it's being conveyed, intonation, and those things, thus a word can really be interpreted in many diff ways...

oneway said...

it's through SMS though... And that person was just cranky. He/she just refused to know that i meant it. Well...

oneway said...

settled this already. Confirmed! That person was cranky and was a bit emotional...