04 March 2008

Stop hurting

I've been thinking a lot lately, about how I've been hurting people who love me in very indirect and tiny ways.

When I'm sick, I refuse to take medication or I even refuse to drink whatever my mum makes for me. I refuse to see doctor as well. Even when the medicine is sent right in front of me, I just would not take it. (Irresponsible for my own health and making them worry).

Sometimes, when people talk to me, I just feel reluctant to answer them or respond to them. I hurt them indirectly. Who would love to be rejected? I even show them that I do not want to talk.

When I'm sad, I let off on my loved ones. I show displeasure. Somehow or rather, we can just hurt them this way.

I show disappointment in certain situation towards people who cant meet my expectation. I hurt them by making them feel that they are useless (for those passive ones) indirectly.

I really need to learn to stop hurting people. A hurt a day, chase the charms away.


Anonymous said...

simply live simple, my fren....when god say 'love' we go love loh, when god say 'care' we go care for people loh,......it's really that simple!!!!

5-inch-long milk drinker said...

Well, ur blog fan is back after a long silence.. We cannot undo what we have done to others. But the best part is we have the word reconcilation or 'rectification'(for engineers).. If only we apologize for our wrongdoing, the charm of a person will definitely return to her if only the party involve truly understands and loves you.. After all, our weakness is made perfect thru God's might.