19 July 2008

How Can I?

After the first post of the day, I viewed my blog, there and then only I saw today's date! GUESS WHAT? It's WAN KEEN's BIRTHDAY! Oh man, I nearly forgot. I'm gonna bring her out to buy a birthday cake later and celebrate with her as my 2 sisters are back. Yeah! They are just in time!

When I got to know it's her birthday, I was really amazed by God's grace! It's His grace that had brought her thus far. He helped her through her life's journey. All the protection, all the provision and all the love that people are showering upon her! Till here, tears are rolling down my cheeks. God is really faithful, whatever He gives, He'll take care. He gave us Wan Keen and He has not been pausing the blessing. He's such a good God and He does what He promises.

Wan Keen went through a lot. She went through rejections from the people around her, her peers and even her teachers. I understand that it's not easy to accept her. She couldn't help when she couldn't find a way to communicate, she suffered from a lot of stress when people around her couldn't understand her. She did not understand anything about danger and she nearly knocked down by car few times. She was lost because she did not know what to expect. Thanks to those people to discover this Visual Strategy that she started to know how to bathe with visual guidance. She understood her routines with visual guidance, she had less stress, as she knew what to expect.

She has talent in music and drawings, God enabled her to get the prize and this brought us joy too. She loves piano, she loves drums, guitars and she can make a tissue box guitar and make music from there too, just with rubber bands. We were so amazed. She is such a talented gal.

This brought me to sing this song again: I'll sing to You Lord, a hymn of love, for Your faithfulness to me, I'm carried in everlasting arms, You'll NEVER let me go! Halleluyah...


Anonymous said...

I am so encouraged by your previous post (through it all) that I wanted to choose that song for tonight's night worship. Would you believe that they had already chosen that song a week ago to sing in the night worship. And tonight worship was wonderful. You are absolutely right, through it all, God cares. Amen.

oneway said...

really? too bad i couldn't go. I had things to do with my sis. yeah she is bak...

oneway said...
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