This whole week is a very happening week for me. The stay in UKM, Bangi really reminded me of the days I went through in CECE college and USM, Penang. Those were the days that I enjoyed most with my course mates. I'm missing those days and hope that I will have it once more. Study life is always good and simple.
I met a lot of my sister's friends. They are a good bunch and I enjoyed the fellowship we had. One of her friends asked for my opinions on the issue of relationships. She is studying the same course as her partner. They are having an underground relationship as the guy refused to date her openly. I forgot the reason that he put forth. She asked me whether when a guy falls for a girl will usually treats the girl very good. In my opinion, YES! Then she asked if the treatment will change if the guy and the gal start dating. In my opinion, I think there will be some changes but not the love that he has for her.
After that, she started telling me about her stories. This guy had been caring for her very much for almost a year. Thus, they started dating each other few months ago. However, things changed. The guy stopped caring for her and avoided her. When they meet in class, chatting with their course mates, that guy took her as a stranger. She couldn't understand why. Not only that, he kept comparing her with his ex- girl friend and kept saying that she is dumb. They have not been talking for few months until now. That girl gave up the relationship but did not tell him. Lately, he talked to her on messenger and confused her once more. She wondered if she really loved him or he had become a routine to her.

I really couldn't help her much. I just asked her to think properly whether to continue or stop and told her that if they manage to get married she cannot blame anyone because she makes that choice. Yeah, of course, they can divorce after that but I strongly disagree with the idea. No one would like to divorce I bet. Hmm... I gave her examples that I experienced with the parents of my students. I told her the struggles when she does not have support from the husband no matter what and asked her if she can take it when he keeps comparing and doesn't know how to appreciate her. I hope that she will make the right decision.
After chatting with her, I reflected on my relationship. I thank God that he had never scolded me stupid. The only time was he scolded me out of anger. The only problem we have is quality time. Time was the problem and is still the problem though. But I made the choice so I can't blame him. Just hope that we will have more time to be together. I once swore that I will not want a fat guy and will not want a doctor. But God is so funny. Many times, I wanted to quit this relationship but He just won't allow. God insisted that he is the one that I need, at least until now, He still thinks that he is the one I need. Oh well, many would think that I wanted a handsome guy but no. I just did not want a fat guy and a doctor.
I concluded and testified that God will always give what you need instead of what you want. Thus, those who are still seeking for what you want, forget about it and wait for the best thing that God has prepared for you.
I cannot imagine myself being compared with other people. I have been doing this by myself. If my life partner does this too, then I will surely think that even a dog is better than me. I would rather die. How sad! I also cannot stand if my partner often digs the old issues during present argument. Frankly, I'm grateful for what I have now. Many things had happened, good and bad and from bad to worse, those things brought us this far. Many sorries were said, many thanks were said, many forgiveness applied and many tears was shed. These are the spices that spiced us up. Hmm... I really hope that we can keep forgiving each other.
If some one really loves you, he/ she would give you the best and wants you to be happy all the time no matter how sad or hurt he/ she is on the other side of the world. Am I being too idealistic? I guess.