Hmm..Today was a pretty joyful day for me. I'd completed my work. Tomorrow is my last day or i should say, it's OUR last day of work. Then we will have 2- week break. Hahaha... Battle will start again next year!! I don't wanna think about it now. Let me relax for these 14 days!
Hmmm... Today one of my colleagues was like "Bao Qing Tin", her face was as dark as this "Bao Qing Tin". I did not talk to her the whole day. I just don't want to get from her. She did her work and we did our work. We were the noisiest ones. Hahaha... We as in Celine, Vincent, Cheng Fai and me. We were really noisy. We were working on the Theme Wall. Vincent designed the Theme Wall for next year for Canning Garden center. His Masterpiece you know??
Why were we making noise? hahaha...we were crapping as we work. We laughed like mad. But not Vincent. He was a bit cool today. He still crapped though =) They said i laughed non- stop and i influenced Cheng Fai. Hahaha... He became crazy =P I'm not sure about laughter but i noticed my over- exaggerated reactions influenced them. Hahaha... they started screaming when there's anything wrong. muahahaha...this is what tickled me the most.
Then, Cheng Fai started an irrelevant topic, which was, "Humpty Dumpty is not an egg. It's a Canon." Em... I started asking him why is it not an egg? He said because the rhyme did not mention that it's an egg. Then i asked again, why isn't it an egg? He said because it's not an egg. Can you see our craps? But there were more. Please note that when we were discussing about this, Vincent was sitting next to me. There were no other conversations going on.
But guess what. He started criticizing Cheng Fai, he said, how is it related to us whether Humpty Dumpty is an egg or not. And he started asking the question that i asked just now. He asked,"why Humpty is not an egg?" Then i burst out laughing. I foresee that he'll start asking questions that i'd asked. Then everyone burst out laughing again.
There were more craps and fun in the process of putting up the Theme Wall. I just couldn't put them all in words. Just hope that in future, we can have fun when we work also. Not so stressed.
But we seemed to have groups in this small little center. We were always noisy but there's another half of us were very serious and quiet when they work. I don't like it at all because they seemed very serious and NO JOKE kinda persons. very scary. Hmm...Anyway, different people have different ways of working. We just need to accept each other and continue to serve God in our very special ways.
For those who are in low spirit now, Cheer up!
Life is still BEAUTIFUL!!!