09 December 2009


There are four socialization agents that will influence the process of forming an individual's personalities.
i) Family Influence
ii) School Role
iii) Peers
iv) Mass Media

Under Peers, there are 4 sub- cultures, they are:

i) Entertainment subculture-
This group of people emphasize more on outlook, outing and sports
ii) Academic subculture-
This group of people emphasize more on academic skills. They usually go for academic- oriented activities.

iii) Delinquents-
This is the most rebellious group. They play truancy and often go against the rules in school.

iv) Group that is not aligned to anybody-
This group of people tend to isolate themselves and do not care about what is happening.

Which group do you fall into?

As for me, I think I am the last one. I tend to isolate myself for some reasons and I don't really care about things that are not related to me directly. I do care when I care. Hmm... This became more appealing to me as I reflected on the friends that I have. I am like closed to one person of each group and most of my friends don't really know each other. The closed friends that I have is too random. Some times it is very hard to go out in a group because they don't know each other. Thus, I usually don't go out in a group except for the group of friends that know each other.

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