24 February 2010


I'm so touched by this story. Again and again. Aren't we the same? Some people helped us out of love, unfortunately we some times view the sacrificial love that people show to us the other way round.

I was being blamed by a mother of my student. She blamed me for suggesting her to put her son into the mainstream this year. She was too anxious until she stressed herself so much and she stressed us out too. She could call us few times a day. I tried my best to help but at the end I was blamed. When somebody told me how she complained about me at my back, I wasn't really angry. I just felt that she is sick. Well, though I was not angry, I start to watch my words and suggestions.

I feel that we can be blinded by our ego and anxiety some times. When we are in denial stage, we tend to push the blame to others so that we can feel better. If we keep doing this, we will lose a lot of precious friends and loved ones. That feeling will be worst than when we are "invalid". Love those who love you and do not reject love that is shown. Show love to others and never expect return. We will be happier if we can do so.

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