27 April 2008

Fire Fall Down On me, I Pray

somebody told me not to put in so much negative stuff in this blog. I really can't help. Those stuff are real to me. When I'm weak, that's when God's glory will be seen. I do not know when can I take a break, a break from everything else. A break to have time for myself, time for things that I may not be able to do at this moment.

I hope to have a time to just sit at a place, just stare at anything without talking, without any disturbance. Or time when I can listen to songs, worship songs, just to relax and just to be with myself and maybe God. I do not mind to have another friend to be around, but I hope that friend will be quiet or we can just have some light chats.

Kok Ming often worries when I stare at something without moving. I did not ask if he did worry, he just gave me that impression that he was. Hahaha... Sometimes, maybe most of the time, I'll be like that when I've problems. Or when I'm sick, or when I'm tired.

In short, I just need to renew my strength.

Fire fall down, fire fall down on me, I pray!
As I sing,
Fire fall down, fire fall down on me, I pray!


Anonymous said...

hei! just read ur blog n felt a need to remind u that u can have what u pray for daily..."be still n know that i am god"...u can meet up with him intimately daily, that's what he longs for from his dear child, wan wai. will pray for u.

Anonymous said...

i think it is really perfectly alright for you to jot down and express your true self through blogging... at least I do feel you are being true to yourself and acknowledge your fears and what is going on deep down inside of you so... there really is NOTHING wrong to continue expressing your feelings and thoughts through this blog :) better than just bottle them up ma, right? miss you... and take care!! haha