20 January 2008

Attitudes are habits of your Thoughts

If you think crazy, you'll act crazy!!!

I totally agree with this author. Here are some of the crazy stories he picked from the news:

*A man stole a car from a gas station. The owner had left his car at the gas pump to go inside and prepay for the gas. He left the car unlocked wit the keys in the ignition. The thief simply jumped in and took off. When he realised the tank was empty, the thief returned to the same gas station to fill up. He was met there by the police. Not exactly a criminal mastermind.

**A woman went to the same fast food restaurant twice a day for three years. She had a large hamburger, fries and a shake at lunch and at dinner everyday. She knew the manager and the workers by name. As a result of this diet, she developed serious health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and coronary heart disease. She sued the restaurant, claiming the staff should have warned her that their fatty food was endangering her health. Surprisingly, her lawsuit did not mention anyone holding a gun to her head and forcing her to gobble down these menu items.

***A young man strapped a refrigerator to his back and walked the course of a local footrace. He wanted to impress his friends with his strength and maybe get his picture in the paper. What he got was humiliation and severe injuries to his back. He sued the manufacturer of the refrigerator for failing to warn him of the potential consequences of carrying it's product on his back. Obviously, there should have been a large warning label: Although it is tempting, do not carry this appliance on your back.

See, some times what we do reflects how we think and how smart we are. Change the way you think and start moving forward with the right attitude.

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