30 January 2008


C.H.C.=>>> Children's Holiday Club. I've finally decided to take up the challenge. The following is the devotional passage that I read last night that convicted me to take up the challenge.

Exodus 4

Aaron is appointed to help Moses.

God does not need any one of us. He wants us and He would like to use us, but God does not need us. Take away one person, and the work of God is not diminished - it goes on. When God calls us to a ministry, it is for our benefit. If we are unwilling or impure, He can get the work done through someone else. We must realize that everything God asks of us is ultimately for our benefit-even serving Him. Moses is a good example of that fact.

Since I've the "vision" to run camps for my special kids, since I've dream to do this for children, why not I take up this challenge to enrich my experience with children. This must be what God wants me to learn from this experience. God given chance to explore my gift.

Pray that I'll be well prepared and be courageous to speak in the public. Not nervous at the moment but need to discuss things with Uncle Jimmy soon. Wish me all the best and yes, pray for courage, confidence and wisdom as well as be expressive. Most importantly, through the stories, the young ones will get to know that God Is Real!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good that u're taking up the challenge. Don't worry, u'll do good in it. Have faith in yourself. Let me represents your friends plus me to say that we'll be there to support u also. =)